Vidar Dicom Viewer 3.3.4

New version 3.3.4 of Vidar Dicom Viewer has been released

The update includes:


Visceral Adipose Tissue program

This program is based on the method of determining disorders of accumulation and distribution of abdominal adipose tissue using computed tomography, proposed by L. Sjostrom in 1986

The technique is based on measuring the areas of subcutaneous adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue

Semi-automatic marking of the spine in 2D and MPR

  • Allows you to manually number vertebrae
  • After setting the location and name of the vertebra for counting, the remaining numbers are assigned automatically


  • Densitometry - European age and sex norms are used to calculate Ti and Zi
  • Automatic table removal in 3D
  • Cardiothoracic Index Measurement


  • Fixed multi-volume parsing
  • Fixed construction of cMPR
  • Fixed gamma correction (non-linear brightness/contrast)
  • The marking of mammograms, with several studies on the screen, is only on the active study
  • Fixed scrolling through MIPs in MRI